posted by ClubZen
American Remake of My Sassy Girl
News: Entertainment | Tuesday - April 01, 2008 02:56pm

My Sassy Girl became a Korean classic when it was release in 2001. This South Korean romantic comedy became a mega blockbuster throughtout Asian and also became popular among Asian Americans in he United States.

An American remake, starring Jesse Bradford and Elisha Cuthbert, and directed by Yann Samuell is scheduled to be released in 2008. You can watch the leaked trailer on youtube here.

I really had my doubts about them doing an American version of this film since a lot of the comedy in this film fits into the social scene in Korea. Adapting it to an American environment will be a totally different movie. If you haven't seen this film, I suggest you check it out. You can buy it here at amazon.


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