DJ Profile

 DJ Namearjarn
 From/HometownLorton, Virginia
 created onSat, Feb 26,2005
 Crews/AffilationsI am not a DJ. I am a rapper and a producer. I run my own label record called Arjarn Entertainment
 ResidenciesLorton , Va
 Type of music you spin?Hip-Hop/Rap
-- I rapper about parties and women. My intention with my beats and lyrics is to get you into the party mood and enjoy life. And if the haters want to fight, I'll give it to them like a little bitch that they are. So don't hate.
 Type of equipment can you provide?CD Player
-- I can do a live performance at a club
DJ Interview
 When did you start DJing?November 1975
  - tell us about yourself
Arjarn describes himself as a true party animal that can be found clubbin in DC frequently. He enjoys his life and [QUOTE] loves being in an environment where women are sexy and shaking their booties like there
 How did you get into DJing?I am a rapper and a producer
 What do you love most about DJing?I am a rapper and a producer
 What is your most memorable DJing
I am a rapper and a producer
 What are you future goals as a DJ?I am a rapper and a producer
 What do you do when you are not
I am a rapper and a producer
 Shout outs!To all my Asian American. Thank you so much for representing Asian. I am so proud of all of us. Please keep on supporting one another and don't forget that we are American too.
Booking Info
 Contact NameArjarn
 Phone-- please register to view --
 Email-- please register to view --

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