posted by ClubZen
Flim: Better Luck Tomorrow
News: Entertainment | Tuesday - April 01, 2003 02:39pm

Better Luck Tomorrow, also known as BLT will be in theaters on April 11th 2003. It will be released in what's called a "limited platform release," meaning it will be screened in a few select cities for the first few weeks, and then expand to more theaters in more cities.

The turnout at the screenings in these three cities is crucial in determining how wide the film will be released. So come support your Asian brothers and sisters in the flim industry and spread the word about the film and make sure you go watch it.

This film represents a major milestone for Asian Americans. It is the first ever Asian American film to be picked-up for distribution, and the first ever acquisition by MTV Films. So the success of the film will greatly determine the future of Asian American based films.


Everyone knows a person like Ben - the perfect Asian American high school teen. He's an extremely intelligent perfectionist, an overachiever whose tunnel vision will lead to nothing less than graduating at the top of the class and acceptance to the best Ivy League university.

Ben lives in an upper middle class, conservative L.A. suburb in Southern California. As he struggles to achieve social success in high school, we discover his darker side. Along with two friends, Virgil, a brilliant yet socially inept misfit, and Virgil's cousin Han, a lost soul with more brawn than brains, Ben leads a double life of mischief and petty crimes that alleviate the pressures of perfection.

At the start of his high school freshman year, Ben befriends Daric, the senior valedictorian and another archetypical overachiever and perfectionist. But Daric is somewhat odd. While being the most intelligent student in the class, he also seems to be the most volatile and dangerous. Behind his trusting and benevolent fa


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